This last week of the CAL for the Halloween Blanket, we will be crocheting our squares together and adding the border! Pat yourself on making it this far, we are almost finished!
Joining Granny Squares
If you have never joined granny square before – don’t worry! I have a video tutorial for you on how I join my granny squares. I actually crochet them together vs. using a needle and yarn to sew them together. I find it easier, but that is just my preference!
This is the same join I used for the Christmas Afghan. For this Halloween blanket, I joined with the same gray color as the squares. See the photo below to see the order I put them in as a reference.
You can join your squares however you’d like, there are many many ways to join granny squares! If this join is not for you, do a quick search on YouTube and you will find other ways that you may like better. 🙂
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